2 정보서비스-연구업적검색서비스
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연구업적검색서비스관련 검색된 교수목록 입니다. 성명을 선택하시면 연구 성과를 확인 할 수 있습니다.
번호 성명 학과명 구분 연구/업적
69187 최철영 해양과학융합학부 전문학술논문 Impact of water temperature on oxidative stress and intestinal microbiotain pearl-spot chromis, Chromis notata (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843)(),「ComparativComparative Biochemistry and Physiology,」,제275권(집), PP.111029~, Elsevier, 2025.
69186 이재원 기계공학부 전문학술논문 CO2 thermochemical sorption battery driven by low temperature heat source for plus energy building application(),「Applied Energy」,제권(집), PP.124401~124401, Elsevier, 2025.
69185 고재덕 기계공학부 전문학술논문 Adverse effects of compressor lubricant on household refrigerator-freezer performance and sustainable, feasible remedies(),「Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews」,제207권(집), PP.~, Elsevier, 2025.
69184 이재원 기계공학부 전문학술논문 Investigation on sacrificial hydrolysis reaction of octadecyltrimethoxysilane for moisture resistance enhancement of metal?organic framework(),「Separation and Purification Technology」,제권(집), PP.~, Elsevier, 2024.
69183 김윤해 해양신소재융합공학과 전문학술논문 Synergistic toughening of CFRP laminates using melt-infused thermoplastic interleaves and toughened epoxy(),「composites communications」,제53권(집), PP.1~, Elesvier, 2024.
69182 박영수 항해융합학부 전문학술논문 Connectivity in VTS area via social network analysis: focused on South Korea case(),「The Journal of Navigation」,제권(집), PP.~, Cambridge University Press, 2024.
69181 김율성 물류시스템공학과 전문학술논문 Resilient Responses to Global Supply Chain Disrup-tions: Focusing on the Stock Price of Global Logistics Compa-nies (),「applied science」,제1권(집), PP.1~25, mdpi, 2024.
69180 이창희 항해융합학부 전문학술논문 Resilient Responses to Global Supply Chain Disrup-tions: Focusing on the Stock Price of Global Logistics Compa-nies (),「applied science」,제1권(집), PP.1~25, mdpi, 2024.
69179 남현정 해운경영학부 전문학술논문 Threshold effects of trade openness on financial development: The case of ASEAN(),「Singapore Economic Review」,제권(집), PP.~, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 2024.
69178 조익순 해사인공지능·보안학부 전문학술논문 Optimal maritime traffic width for passing offshore wind farms based onship collision probability(),「Ocean Engineering」,제313권(집), PP.119498~, Elsevier, 2024.

담당자 : 오세연 전화 : 051-410-5431[산학협력단] 업데이트 : 2019-12-05

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