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Notice(Int'l Students)

메인페이지 IntroductionNotice(Int'l Students)

Notice(Int'l Students)

Notice(Int'l Students) 게시판의 작성자 권정향씨가 2024.05.17에 등록한 2024-1 International Students Korean Culture Experience Program Participant Recruitment의 상세페이지입니다.
2024-1 International Students Korean Culture Experience Program Participant Recruitment
작성자 OIA 등록일 2024.05.17

In order to promotimg understanding of Korean culture through Korean cultural experiences of international students, enhancing mutual friendship among the students and recharging, the Office of International Affairs offers the followingInternational Student Korean Culture Experience Program, we hope many students’ participation applications. 


Date&Time : 2024. 5. 31 (Fri), 08:00~18:00

Place: Gyeongnam Yangsan and Busan Gijang district

Contents: Visiting Yangsan Tongdosa(One of the top three temples in Korea), Exploring the charcoal manufacturing process and experiencing the charcoal kiln(Lunch Provided), Visiting the cafe street in Gijang, selected by the Busan Tourism Organization

  ○ Participants: International Students, 35 people (First come, first served)

    GKS and Korea-Japan joint scholarship students: 15, International students: 20

   Application Period: 2024. 5. 17.(Fri)~21.(Tue) 13:00 [Keep time strictly]

     Announcement of selected participants: 2024. 5. 22. (Wed), Via Group SNS or Individually

  ○ Participation Fee: Free (full amount support)

  ○ How to Apply: Via email    

Please refer to the notice and apply for the program. Thank you.


담당자 : 이일형(LEE, Il Hyung) 전화 : +82-51-410-4771[Office of International Affairs] 업데이트 : 2020-05-29

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