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KMOU Office of International Affairs


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Notice(Admissions) 게시판의 작성자 조아영씨가 2020.09.10에 등록한 [2021 GKS University Track] Application Guideline for KMOU (Undergraduate)의 상세페이지입니다.
[2021 GKS University Track] Application Guideline for KMOU (Undergraduate)
작성자 International Admission/GKS 등록일 2020.09.10
★ Instructions ★ 

Step 1. Read attached file "1. GKS-U Application Guideline.pdf"(English or Korean) first.
Step 2. Read attached file "2. GKS Application Guideline for KMOU.pdf".
Step 3. Search for your major in attached file "3. Available Departments(English, Korean).xlsx".
Step 4. Fill out Application Form("4. Application Form.docx"), and submit required documents to Office of International Affairs, KMOU. 

*Note : TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) is NOT required for the admission of GKS Program. 
Successful candidates will take Korean Language Course first(normally 1 year), then they enter undergraduate course.

[REAL-TIME CHAT Q&A] : CLICK THIS LINK! ▶ https://kmougks.channel.io

OR send email to ahyoung9205@kmou.ac.kr if you have any other questions regarding major / application.

Office of International Affairs
National Korea Maritime & Ocean University

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