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Life at KMOU_Photos 게시판의 작성자 서기훈씨가 2024.12.03에 등록한 KMOU Selected as a Participant for GKS Excellent Exchange Student Support Program의 상세페이지입니다.
KMOU Selected as a Participant for GKS Excellent Exchange Student Support Program
작성자 KMOU OIA 등록일 2024.12.03
KMOU has been selected as a participating university for the '2025 GKS Excellent Exchange Student Support Program' run by the National Institute for International Education Department, for four years in a row since 2022.

담당자 : 신민아(SHIN, Min A) 전화 : +82-51-410-4772[Office of International Affairs] 업데이트 : 2020-05-29

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