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The Hub of the World Ocean!
KMOU Office of International Affairs


Notice(Int'l Students)

메인페이지 IntroductionNotice(Int'l Students)

Notice(Int'l Students)

Notice(Int'l Students) 게시판의 작성자 권정향씨가 2024.08.30에 등록한 '2024 79th KMOU FESTIVAL' Festival Booth Recruitment 의 상세페이지입니다.
'2024 79th KMOU FESTIVAL' Festival Booth Recruitment
작성자 OIA 등록일 2024.08.30




'2024 79th KMOU FESTIVAL' Festival Booth Recruitment 




The Office of International Affairs is looking for participants who want to join the '2024 79th KMOU FESTIVAL' festival booth in order to introduce their national culture and provide opportunities to interact with members of our University.

 Contents : Experiencing Global Cultures

 Date&Time : September 25th(Wed.) 26th(Thu.) 

    11:0017:00 (Compulsory operation period) / 17:0021:00(Autonomous operation period)

  ○  Participants and Team Selection: 5 Teams* with enrolled international students**, Maximum of 5 students per team

      * A team can be organized with members from the same country or different countries.

     ** GKS and Korea-Japan joint scholarship students, Degree Courses International students

  Selection Standard: Evaluation of booth participation plans(Program objectives, Originality, Viability, Safety, etc)

  Application Period: August 29th(Thu.) ~ September 4th(Wed.)Keep the deadline

    Announcement of selected teams: September 6th(Fri.), Via Group SNS or Individually



담당자 : 이일형(LEE, Il Hyung) 전화 : +82-51-410-4771[Office of International Affairs] 업데이트 : 2020-05-29

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